Singularities and Algorithms 2023

Picture of Hans S, G-M Greuel, G Pfister, W Decker

Info & links


REVISED: 2023-10-05

Day 1: Monday 9th October 2023

10:00 -- 10:30 Coffee & arrival [in room 48-436]
10:25 -- 10:30 OPENING
10:30 -- 11:00 C Eder
11:10 -- 12:10 W Bruns (online)
12:10 -- 14:00 Lunch break [free choice: mensa, bistro, etc.]
14:00 -- 14:30 A M Bigatti
14:35 -- 15:05 T Markwig
15:10 -- 15:40 V Levandovskyy
15:40 -- 16:15 Coffee Break [in room 48-436]
16:15 -- 17:15 G Pfister

Day 1: Evening dinner

18:45 Italian food at Da Filippo in Glockenstr. 72 (Kaiserslautern).

Day 2: Tuesday 10th October 2023

9:00 -- 10:00 W Decker
10:00 -- 10:30 Coffee Break [in room 48-436]
10:30 -- 11:30 G-M Greuel
11:40 -- 12:10 J Boehm (online)
12:10 -- 14:00 Lunch break [free choice: mensa, bistro, etc]
14:00 -- 14:30 M Roczen
14:35 -- 15:05 M Marais (online)
15:10 -- 15:40 M Horn
15:40 -- 16:15 Coffee & farewell [in room 48-436]


If you have questions or suggestions, please contact the organizers by email:


This workshop is supported by

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